Thursday 26 February 2015

Happy New Year! A Tribute, Kitchen Update and Aislinn's Room

Happy 2015!  I know I'm late to the party!  One of my goals this year (notice I didn't say resolution...) is to update my blog more often.

I'd like to pay tribute to my dear friend, Christine McKenna who lost her valiant battle with cancer on December 6th.  She always had a smile, a postivite outlook and word to say and a from-the-gut-laugh.  I miss her - our conversations and visits.  Fuck you cancer. Here's her beautiful, smiling face.

I miss her. :-(

Kitchen progress - I had a buddy who does contracting work in for 3 days - he got the hardware on the cabinets, installed the pot drawers, toe kicks, fillers, cove moulding and trim on top of cabinets.  That would've taken me 2 weeks - I'm sure of it.  Well worth the money.  I've finished installing the ceramic backsplash and plan on grouting this weekend with my awesome Mom's help.  Photos will come when it's done.

The last big house news - for now - Miss  Peanut's room was done before Christmas.  Huge difference!  I'll let the pictures tell the story.

1st day of demo

And when it's done... more pics to come later when art is up and furniture is painted.  Miss girl LOVES her room!

So there it is for now.  I'll be updating with whatever thoughts, muses, house updates, etc.

Just letting you know what is happening at Casa Colleen y Aislinn y gatos.
